BookMatch in LibAnswers

BookMatch is the Library's virtual Reader's Advisory service. The current BookMatch team is Sarah Jaffa; Rosie Bromberg; Ben Nanamaker; Lisa Longmire; Liz Ochoa, and Kayla O'Connor.

BookMatch is located on the Library’s website Research page, in the Read, Watch & Listen drop down menu, in the Contact drop down menu, and in the Readers page in the Guides drop down menu. Patrons fill out and submit a BookMatch form which then shows  up in LibAnswers. 

The LibAnswers process is different for a BookMatch request. Instead of claiming it, you’re going to send an email to the BookMatch group. 


  1. If you see a question in the LibAnswers queue that says BookMatch email Sarah Jaffa with a subject line: ‘One for you in LibAnswers’

2. Send it off. 

3. Sarah will log into LibAnswers, claim the request, and assign to a BookMatch team member to follow up with a personalized  list of books. 



  • Last Updated Oct 12, 2022
  • Views 77
  • Answered By Sarah Jaffa

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